This is a group of BraveSpaceman, they represent the eight planets in the solar, explored the twelve constellations in the universe, and taked commemorative photos with them, stored on Ethereum (ETH) and Interplanetary File System (IPFS). They are created by a team composed of aerospace engineers.

Each spaceman has unique genes. It can be used as the seed spaceman of the metaverse game "SpaceWorld" to reproduce and sell offspring spaceman. Seed spaceman has permanent life, the fastest reproduction speed and the most pure bloodline. The contract has been locked officially, cannot be tampered and recast, only this 10,000 pieces.


In order to reward users who actively participate in this project and make contributions, we have reserved 500 NFTs as rewards, which will be given away for free from time to time. In addition, half of each batch of spaceman sold is reserved for whitelisted users. Rewards and whitelists are determined based on the ranking of points, and we will announce the winning users and whitelists through the Discord community. The scoring rules are as follows:

  1. Follow the official Twitter (+10 points)
  2. Change the Twitter image to any spaceman until the end of the sale (+40 points)
  3. Add BraveSpaceman before your Twitter name until the end of the sale (+50 points)
  4. Like each official tweet (+1 point)
  5. Comment each official tweet (+2 points)
  6. Retweet each official tweet (+3 to 30 points, depending on the number of followers and quality)
  7. Like, comment, retweet in 48-hours can get double points
  8. Click here to learn how to get more points

We are a team composed of aerospace engineers. We used to purse the Mars, chase the moon, and we will explore the wider universe in the future. Through this project, on the one hand, we hope to stimulate people's enthusiasm for aerospace, because human beings need more people to explore the universe; on the other hand, we also hope to operate this project well for a long time, to support our space dream permanently.

0.01 ETH